Plaque Mounting Hardware
We offer the following plaque mounting solutions. Please let us know what type of material you plan on attaching the bronze plaque to. Below are concrete, drywall and wood mounting solutions. For larger bronze plaques, we suggest using expansion sleeves.
Each plaque will include the requested mounting hardware.

Concrete | Masonary
Front Mount / Visible
Head of bolt will be countersunk to be flush with the surface of the plaque and finished with same color and finish.

Concrete | Masonary
Front Mount / Not Visible
Holes can be drilled into concrete or masonry and filled with epoxy for a blind mounting application. Studs are welded to the back of plaque.

Front Mount / Visible
Head of bolt will be countersunk to be flush with the surface of the plaque and finished with same color and finish

Front Mount / Visible
Head of screw will be countersunk to be flush with the surface of the plaque and finished with same color and finish
Recent Government Projects
We had the opportunity to produce two bronze dedication plaques that were used in a plant dedication ceremony that the President of the United States attended. This was a last minute dedication ceremony and the client needed the plaques in less that 7 days. We delivered the two plaques on time a day ahead of schedule.
President Trump Tour of Pratt Industries Plant Opening
Courtroom Bronze Plaques
Cast bronze bas relief plaques allow you to have much more relief than engraved bronze plaques. An artist creates a clay mold that is then cast into solid bronze. These plaques can be as thick as 1.5" depending on the requirement. The production time is six weeks.
It was a great honor to work with the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. We created seven of these 34" diameter cast bronze bas relief plaques for a new courtroom.
K Bronze Plaques and Metal Letters
410 N. Vermilion
P.O. Box 802
Danville, IL 61834
A Division of the Get Plaques, LLC